Aktis® logo

Creation of logos in Illustrator/Photoshop for the European leader in agricultural supplies.

Astelis® brochure

Creation of a product presentation brochure for the European leader in agricultural supplies.
Logo, layout, printing follow-up

Cagekid logo

Creation of a logo in Illustrator/Photoshop for a project about kidney cancer.

Dielfenn logo

Creation of a logo in Illustrator/Photoshop biotechnology specialized in big data sciences

ESCI (European Science Communication Institute)

Creation of a Ker-e-liamm website for a German company specialized in scientific communication.
Management of galleries of portraits and achievements.
Domain name, hosting, maintenance and messaging. (closed version)

Genmed logo

Creation of a logo in Illustrator/Photoshop for a CEA Excellence laboratory.


Réalisation d’un site internet WordPress pour Gircor, une association regroupant des acteurs de la recherche et de l’enseignement ayant recours aux animaux à des fins scientifiques.

Nom de domaine, Hébergement, maintenance et messagerie. À voir sur : https://www.gircor.fr/


Creation of a Ker-e-liamm website for a European project support firm
Logo, visual identity, domain name, hosting, maintenance and messaging. (site closed)


Development of a WordPress website for the European project Innoveas with our partner ESCI.
Logo, visual identity, infographics, extranet, SEO
Domain name, hosting, maintenance and messaging To be seen on :